There are different techniques by utilizing them you can develop your personality, find solutions, solve problems and avoid/solve conflicts.
Coaching means personal development methods within professional context, which contain no advices. Especially by specific questioning techniques customers are finding their own solutions, which fit to them and their personalities, are therefore totally authentic and accepted. Systemic coaching processes the whole effecting environment and is suitable for all professional themes (career planning, strong decisions, crisis situations etc.) for individual persons and teams.
Mediation means specific coaching methods, which are focusing on solving and preventing a conflict. These methods are very helpful in legal matters, therefore more and more lawyers have a mediation certificate. There are also huge dimensional mediation proceedings in case it is public interest (flight noise, enhancement of road and rail traffic etc.).
Mentoring means the work of an experienced person, who hands over own professional skills and experiences to a less experienced person (mentee). Mentoring is often used to support new team members in perspective of organization and culture in order to simplify their starting phase. Quit often it is used in human resources development or for special target groups at the job market.
Supervision means methods for reflexing and improvement of acting. It is used for individual persons and teams, especially in industries with huge psychological stress for the individual person (action forces, health care etc.).
Supervision is also a special type of leadership in shift work environments, where one person of the team is designated as supervisor and takes over leadership if required (air traffic control, security forces etc.).
Life and social counseling
Life and social counseling uses similar methods like coaching within the private context (family, puberty etc.).
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