
What to do when a project is stuck in a crises?

For all project manager it is a household name, what it requires to manage a project successful. Project assignment, project structure plan, project handbook, schedule, risk management plan etc., everything clearly defined and written down. But what to do when a project is stuck in a crises?

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“Roast’n Roll Forever”, Tom Heinzle

At 24.5.2017 Tom Heinzle presented his new book “Roast’n Roll Forever” to the gourmet press at 25Hours Hotel in the inner city of Vienna. The presentation was accompanied by a 4 course menu, of course everything prepared at the grill. But as surprise for all of his guests he served only dishes that are not associated with grilling at all.

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In few steps to a tidy desk

It is spring time… Many of us have already got rid of old leaves on their balcony, their terrace or their garden, maybe already enjoyed one or the other hour in the sun there. But how does it look like at the desk? That would be something, to get rid of the old leaves also there?

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