At March 28, 2019 was the closing ceremony of the celebration round, the 10th, of mentoring for migrants. We had 26 mentees from all continents, except Australia, one third with subsidiary protection or asylum status. Like in all rounds before, which we had done, half of the mentees could gain a foothold on the labor market. This makes us and the whole team really proud!
Successful entrepreneurs act like pilots
One says entrepreneurs are the captains of their companies. This article deals with captains of aircrafts, because of the theme and also the physics the same principles are valid also for captains of ships. But what does it matter now that successful entrepreneurs act like pilots?
Merry Christmas and a good year 2019
There are only a few days left and then it is time, Christmas is there and the year 2018 soon… Many of us are there to finish as much as possible, in order to start after the public holidays not only relaxed but also with a cleaned up desk into the new year…