Horses are interesting beings, they have among their species a social system with clear ranking, are faithful and reliable companions and want to be leaded. They use their (immense) power against others only if they defend themselves or for demonstration of power as reaction to uncertainty of their oposite. Did you already notice something? We humans and horses have plenty in common… This article shall give some examples what we can learn out of the dealing with horses.
Global Grove Lab, multi-cultural, colorful and successful
Approx. 6 years ago we got to know Ronja, Pavel and Maria as a multi-cultural trio. The three did in those days the musical accompaniment of the closing event of “mentoring for migrants”.
Our historical duplex
Since approx. 5 years our head quarters are loacted in the wonderful Luegg Houses. Of course we are curious when they have been built-up, who owned them, who lived here earlier etc.
We did research and like to share within our gallery with you what we found out: The Luegg Houses (History)